Thanks to the recent Tarot movie, or no thanks to it, people who have yet to try a tarot reading session might find it really intimidating and scary to do one - it could feel almost naked in a reading, as if your reader could really tap into your mind and see through your trauma and past lives. Well yes, for some psychics, but that is not always the case. Of course, your experience in a tarot reading session differs between readers based on their esoteric knowledge, skillsets, and practices. But it is important to always approach all readings with a similar mindset - openness, and taking only what resonates.
As a disclaimer, I, Coco, would like to emphasise that all these are based on my own experience as an intuitive reader, and does not represent thoughts or perspectives of all readers. All that I write here are things I personally prefer/feel more strongly about when it comes to my own sessions and every reader has their own practice and preferences, so do check with your own readers before a session.
Here are some important things to note when it comes to attending a reading:
1. Preparation: Be Open & Prepared
During preparation and after you have chosen a reader and booked an appointment, you want to make sure you come prepared with questions you already have in mind. Don't be overwhelmed with how to phrase your questions - ask questions like you would to a friend, or to yourself. Be as transparent with your thoughts.
I would strongly advise against booking a reading if you're a skeptic or are booking with a mindset to "test" your reader - it is best to not waste your own nor the reader's energy and time. Tarot readers, not only myself, are very confident with their own skillsets and are not doing this to prove anything to anyone. It is important for one to approach a reading with an open mind. I have customers who have come to me, done readings, and told me that other readers might not have been as accurate - which I would like to clarify and also beg to differ, that all readings are mostly accurate (unless they enforce their own perspectives on you) if done objectively and sometimes it is just not time or you might not be ready to hear this message in this moment. If you find yourself having such an experience, note down important points and look back on them months or even years later - you might eventually find something that resonates in time.
For my reading sessions, it is also totally fine to go into a reading without any specific questions. Depending on each reader's own practice, some are open to just pulling cards to bring specific messages from your spirit guides to you that you might need to hear in the moment while some others prefer you walk in with very specific questions. Generally during a session with me, I am also able to just pull cards and reflect something within your own subconscious that might have been bothering you without you realizing it. It is also fine to prepare a notebook or on your phone with specific questions so your time during a session is fully maximized - and that's what readers want for you, to seek the clarity you need during a session.
Kindly note that some readers also restrict or limit number of topics per reading based on session/timeframe, and that is also a normal practice as we want to ensure that you get all the information that you want. Covering too many topics within a half hour session ccan be very overwhelming for both the reader and querent.
2. During the reading: Sharing is Optional
During a tarot reading session, you may preface the session with any context you feel comfortable sharing. Personally during my reading, I am also fine with querents not wanting to share details and asking general questions or choosing between options without revealing what the options are. Again, some readers prefer for you to reveal specifics for a deeper reading, so ultimately, it really depends on what you prefer.
Some querents of mine prefer to have deeper and specific answers to each question, which of course then in such a situation, more information about the question would be expected to be shared during the session. To make the most of your time during a reading, highlight only the key points that are necessary for the reader to understand. Again, don't worry too much - talk to your reader like you're talking to a friend or confidante and you'll be fine.
Feel free to take notes between readings, and even photos of your cards if you would like to. Again, ask permission from your reader before that as not all readers are comfortable with this for various reasons. Just because a reader rejects does not make the reading less accurate - it is only due to personal practices and energy works differently for every individual, some readers prefer to keep their practice private, so approach with respect and if you do need to take notes to remember, let the readers know- most of them are usually okay with people taking notes or photos during the reading. **Important: Please do not ask for notes or clarity again post-session as readers generally have a number of clients per day, it would be almost impossible to channel the exact message after a session. Generally, even if the readers are kind enough to send you some highlights or recall some important messages after a session, they might not be as accurate as the ones shared during the session, so please take your own notes during a session. Some readers, however, do provide a post-session summary as an added service, so do check with your reader before booking or the session.
3. After a reading: Retain your power!
After a reading, again, take what resonates and leave what doesn't behind (SO important). Never dwell on messages you feel uncomfortable receiving. Some readers are more brutal with their readings and some messages might come off sounding like a warning or 'tower moment' - feeling like things might fall apart - but please don't worry about messages shared during a reading as this is only the energy pulled during the reading. Energy changes, realign and recalibrate your energy.
Understand that you always have free will and retain your own power and control even after a seemingly 'bad' reading. As a rule of thumb in life, whatever you give power to, takes control. Do not give power to negativity and fear, always be in the light and you will be fine. Understand that challenges and obstacles happen for everyone, only for one reason - to learn about yourself and grow from there. There is nobody on earth with no challenges nor obstacles in life - if so, this person would never be able to grow and develop or evolve as a person.
While I am a reader myself, I have to stress that there is always always always human bias. Do not give your power to a reader, a healer, or a spiritual teacher of any sort. All the guidance and power you are looking for have already been there within you and yourself. All you really need is honestly, yourself. A reading is only meant to help reflect your subconscious, provide messages and guidance from your spirit guides but you will always have the power to make your own decisions on a daily basis. Your tarot reader is only a messenger, not someone who makes important decisions in your life. There is always free will. Remember that!
If you are not ready for a reading yet but still feel the urge to seek clarity, you can always try to pull cards yourself and I guarantee you, it will still be accurate. You can also choose to meditate and let the universe, source, or any higher beings you believe in, send signs to you to direct you into alignment with your highest self. If you're ready, book a session with us here.